Evolta Go

Evolta Go is a Singapore-based Electric Vehicle (EV) charging unit operator that recharges every voyage. This rebranding focuses on Evolta Go as an experiential brand, going beyond its functional attributes to deliver a more holistic brand experience.

Based on the information we had learned from the stakeholders’ interview, coupled with our desk research on the brand and its relevant competitors, we derived on the experiential brand archetype, with ‘Recharge Every Voyage’ as its brand essence.

Evolta Go is the proud recipient of the Indigo Design Awards Silver in Technology 2022.

The Experiential Brand Position

Evolta Go's new brand essence, 'Recharge Every Voyage', captures both the sense of adventure that Evolta Go aims to convey and the idea of recharging, which relates to what the brand does. In addition, it expresses the brand values of reliability, ease, and enjoyment memorably with gravitas.

Based on this brand position, we developed the branding across Evolta Go's full suite of products and services, including its logo, colour palette, key visuals, imagery, app design, and website design.

App Design

A key touchpoint in the Evolta Go brand experience is the App design. The all-in-one powerful app would allow users to locate, use, and pay for using the EV chargers across Singapore. We collaborated with a local digital product company, Fooyo, to develop the UI/UX design for the app to ensure that all bases are covered in this first phase of the app development. The result is a clean, modern and appropriate design that is unique from the existing competitors in the market.


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