Making Play a Possibility

Semec Enterprise is a playground design and manufacturer based in Singapore. As the pioneer in the play industry with over 20 years of experience under its belt, the brand is looking to leverage on their long-standing establishment and expertise to change the brand perception in the eyes of its clients.

This rebranding shifts Semec from a Functional brand archetype to that of an Experiential one. By moving beyond the extensive product offerings and being known as a one-stop play solution provider, we recommended for Semec to tap on its existing reputation and resources to create a distinctive brand experience that reflects the modern values it embodies. In communicating the brand’s experiential attributes more, it presents a more memorable and interactive brand experience for both its internal staff and clients.

Brand Audit

We took an in-depth look into the existing Semec brand through a series of stakeholders and employees interview sessions, desk research and customer journey mapping for the brand and the three identified competitors. Additionally, we also conducted 11 qualitative interviews with existing customers to hear about their experience working with Semec over the years.

With these data, we conducted a SWOT analysis of the brand across various key pillars (brand, marketing, offerings/services). Through identifying and leveraging on the overall strengths and weaknesses of the brand, we were able to create a brand position that reflect Semec’s essence and that fulfil the needs of its existing clients.

Brand Tagline

The tagline showcases what Semec does in a simple and direct manner, whilst portraying the brand as a creator who make things happen. The word ‘Play’ holds a double meaning: For one, the word ties in with the functional aspect of the brand—as in playgrounds; yet, ‘Play’ also conveys an abstract sense of fun, creativity, and wonder.

Additionally, the tagline can be used together with a third word to describe a specific play experience. This can be applied in relation to the type of play projects to communicate emotions, benefits, value of services and products, depending on the context.

As a whole, ‘Making Play’ represents Semec’s identity as a creative playground design company that makes play possible.

Visual system inspired by logo

Using the new logo as the key component in the graphic system, we created a series of simple illustrations that adopts a minimalist flat style, giving the brand a clean and modern impression. The flexibility in the logo allow us to manipulate the individual shapes to loosely represent the play structures, fitness equipment, and outdoor furnitures that Semec offers. The visual system is a representation of the infinite possibilities of play and dynamism that Semec can bring to the table.



